January 11th, 1967 Dear "It", Please pardon the use of a nickname for your, but you see it's too early for us to become acquainted - And we might as well get good and acquainted because your Grandma and I expect to see a great deal of you once you get here. I envy you in some ways; getting yourself born in 1967. Do you realize that on New Year's Day of the year 2000 you will still be 4 months away from your 33rd birthday? By that time, I will be just about as close to my 80th once - but I expect to make it; you can count on it - why, when you start to college, we will just be retiring from having to work - that is unless you turn out to be a genius and make it there sooner. however, in either case we have made plans already to have a hand in that - The years between now and these two events promise developments that our imaginations cannot even cope with - you will grow up accustomed to seeing everyday things we never thought possible -- You probably won't be awed at all by regular trips to the moon or other plantets - or almost instantaneous travel around the world -- Science may in your early youth have advanced to the stage where disease as we know it will have been practically eliminated -- ESP. may have developed to the point when telephones, radio, and T.V. are obsolete. But even my weird imagination is not enough to dream up some of the more sophisticated things to take place - we'll just have to wait and see - and I look forward to them, even if it means growing old along with it. - The ways I don't envy you, though - has to do with the so called population explosion - There are going to be so many people around it's going to be hard to find open places or woods to be alone - maybe we can put a fence with a "Keep - Out" sign on it around that 5 acres of swamp in Florida I keep throwing $15.00 a month away on - Then maybe we could sneak off down there some time. But you can count on one thing. There still will be people - and they will have all the human emotions that have existed from the beginning of time - you'll find good ones and bad ones - with love, hate, anger, and happiness still to be had. But, hurry up and get here, will you? Your Grandma wants a rocking chair so bad she can taste it -- With "premature" love, "Grandpa"