Since you liked the New Guinea pictures on the DVD "Here are some more taken at Moresby, New Guinea. The one of me in dress uniform was taken while on combat leave in Sydney. To answer some of your questions. Yes, the noses of some of our 38s were blue and had shark teeth. Some were all silver, and some camo. The reason we had the 38s taken away and given 38s was all political. Even with the success we had with the 38s the Fighter Group commander General Wirtsmith took them away and gave them to his old squadron the 475th. We were screwed ! After we got the 47s our missions were changed and even though we still flew some escort missions most of the missions were dive bombing and straffing. At the time we had air superiority but the ground fire was awful, and while on straffing missions in the 47s we lost 3 good pilots on 3 different missions. I was on all the missions where we lost pilots. How lucky can you get. On the picture on attachment number one if you clear up the picture some you can read the bulletin board that Sully was leading blue flight in plane #16 and I was his wing man in # 31. What a long time ago ! " On the picture on attachment number one if you clear up the picture some you can read the bulletin board that Sully was leading blue flight in plane #16 and I was his wing man in # 31. What a long time ago ! Keep in touch. LEW